Creating A Visionary Way Forward At Our 40th Anniversary

Since 1981, we have been working to pass and defend science-based laws that help people lead healthier lives free of heart disease and stroke. 2021 marks the 40th year in advocacy for the American Heart Association!

hero_image_alt_text===federal lobby day 2017 group photo
thumbnail_alt_text===creating a visionary way forward at our 40th anniversary

A policy statement published in the American Heart Association's flagship journal Circulation, highlights our successes over 4 decades and sets the tone for continued advocacy towards health equity through public policy.

With a staff and volunteer presence in every state capital and in communities across the country, the Association helped to pass or defend more than 100 priority policies at the state and community levels this past year alone.

“Our advocacy successes have improved people’s lives in ways that include increasing access to health care, making more public spaces tobacco-free, reducing food insecurity, promoting physical activity and boosting investments in heart and brain research,” said Nancy Brown, Chief Executive Officer, American Heart Association.

In celebration of our 40th year of working in public policy, the American Heart Association has released a policy statement that reaffirms advocating for science-based policy solutions is essential to our mission to improve heart health for all.

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