American Stroke Month 2018

Did you know that stroke is a leading cause of death and preventable disability with 7 million American adults having had a stroke? Or that someone has a stroke every 40 seconds?


The good news is stroke is preventable, beatable, and treatable and during American Stroke Month this May, you can help get the word out!

So how can you participate? Here are a few easy ways.

  • LEARN the F.A.S.T. warning signs of a stroke.
  • JOIN @American_Stroke via Twitter on May 2nd at 12 p.m. CDT to learn about stroke prevention and treatment from key experts. #BrainforLife
  • PARTICIPATE in National Cycling Day on May 14th. #CycleNation
  • FOLLOW messages and images from the American Stroke Association page at or retweet us on Twitter @American_Stroke.

Together, we can end stroke! Know the stroke warning signs

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