200+ Groups Tell Congress to Keep School Nutrition Standards Strong


More than 200 national, state and local organizations (including the American Heart Association) signed a statement urging Congress to oppose efforts to weaken or delay nutrition standards that were set by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and went into effect during the current school year.   90% of schools have stepped-up and are successfully providing schools lunches that meet the nutrition standards.  And many schools have already taken necessary steps to make the snack foods and beverages they offer healthier too.  Yet, some in Congress argue that providing healthy food to students is too much of a burden. 

Check out what our coalition had to say:

We, the undersigned organizations, strongly oppose efforts to use the appropriations process to change or weaken federal child nutrition programs, including potential efforts to require the inclusion of white potatoes in the WIC Program, to alter or delay implementation of meal standards in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program, or to weaken or delay rules to limit sugary beverages and unhealthy snack foods in our nation’s schools. For decades, Congress has wisely ensured that federal child nutrition programs have been guided by science. Science-based decisions have served our children and our nation well. Accordingly, we strongly urge you to oppose efforts to intervene in science-based rules regarding the federal child nutrition programs.  

See the full list of supporting organizations here.

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